The Green Lake neighborhood is an incredibly fun and energetic part of the city. Green Lake itself is perfect for leisurely walks, exercise, kayaking, paddle boarding, bird watching and much more. Adjacent to Green Lake is Woodland Park which is a wonderful place for summer BBQs, long walks and outdoor games.
This neighborhood has a lot of options for its’ residence. For example, you can spend your afternoon at a Yoga or Crossfit studio or you can go to the iconic Beth’s Cafe (as seen on the show Man vs. Food), eat a 12 egg omelette and spend the rest of your day struggling to breath. You can stop in for a glass of high-end Scotch at St. Andrews just west of Green Lake or you can enjoy an authentic Japanese dinner at Kisacu just east of Green Lake.
Drive around the Green Lake neighborhood and just look at the amazing homes lining the streets. You’ll see everything from elegant craftsman properties to beautiful Spanish stucco homes. Whatever you love to do, Green Lake has you covered.